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TASS, Lebanon’s news agency sign cooperation agreement at BRICS Media Summit

MOSCOW, September 14. /TASS/. TASS Director General Andrey Kondrashov and Lebanon’s National News Agency Director Ziyad Harfoush signed a memorandum of understanding on the sidelines of the 7th BRICS Media Summit.
The sides granted each other the right to use their text news, and agreed on mutual visits of their staff. The agreement stipulates exchanging experience in journalism, marketing and new technologies of information processing and transmission.
The memorandum also states that each side will provide assistance and support to reporters and representatives of the other.
Moscow is hosting the BRICS Media Summit from September 13-17. The event brings together the heads and other top staff of more than 60 media outlets from 45 countries. TASS is the organizer of the summit.
